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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bapverts?

Bapverts is a points program we've designed to connect with our members to earn with us. BAP is what qualifies you to get Paid Ads! We send Paid Ads in exchange of your BAP.

Note: For each $0.01 worth of Paid Ads you view, 20 BAP is deducted from your account.


How can I increase my BAP?

BAP can be earned in 3 ways:

1. By viewing ads you can earn BAP (10 BAP for each ad) - Only for Level 0 members.

2. By buying Adpacks. The minimum purchase is $1 and we provide 3000 banner impressions and 3000 BAP. 3000 BAP is equal to $1.5 worth of Paid Ads. For every BAP you hold, you receive $0.0005 worth of Paid Ads. 

3. By gaining Direct Referrals - You earn 175 BAP for every new user who register using your referral linnk.

4. Offers & Surveys - You earn BAPs by completing Offers & Surveys.


Why did my BAP decrease?

We only send Paid Ads in exchange of your BAP. You consume BAP @ the rate of 20 BAP For every $0.01 worth of Paid Ad you view. Your level is determined according to the number of BAP you currently have. To know the number of BAPs required for each Level, check this link . The level migration takes place instantly according to your present BAP value. You can always top up your BAP by buying more Adpacks.


How are BAP points converted to money exactly?

You get BAP (Bonus Ad Points) by viewing the Activation Ads that are issued to you every day, getting direct referrals and buying AdPacks. Having BAP, qualifies you to  get Paid Ads. Viewing Paid Ads, consume you BAP. For every $0.01 worth of Paid Ads you view, 20 BAP is deducted from your account. For example, if you receive $1 worth of paid ads, 2000 BAP is automatically deducted from your BAP balance. You can get more BAP by buying Ad packs. Each Adpack you buy costs $1 and instantly gives you 3000 BAP, which is worth $1.50 in paid ads. Your BAP balance determines how much you earn in paid ads. The more BAP you have, the higher value Paid Ads you will attract.


How much BAP is equal to $1?

2000 BAP is equivalent to $1 worth of paid ads. 1 BAP is worth $0.0005. So, $1 / $0.0005 = 2000 BAP.


How is my Level determined?

After you have enough BAP to move from one level to next level, the move occur instantly. All you have to do is to have enough BAP in your account and our system will take care of the rest.


When do I get BAP from Offers & Surveys credited

BAPs earned from offers & Surveys are credited 60 days after the successful completion of Offers & Surveys. This waiting period is necessary to prevent abuse. You can always track your offer BAPs and the date your BAP is set to be credited in Account --> History --> Offers & Surveys History 


I did not receive Activation Ads?

Only Level 0 users receive Activation Ads. When you move to higher Levels (Level 1 - Level 14), you no more receive Activation Ads instead you receive Paid Ads. Activation Ads are issued to help grow your BAP and climb up in Levels. 


Why was my level downgraded?

This happens because of one reason: Please keep in mind that for every $0.01 worth of Paid Ads you view, 20 BAP is deducted from your account. This essentially means your Level is determined according to the number of BAP you currently have. You can always purchase more Adpacks to increase your BAP.


How to increase the value of Paid Ads?

By moving to higher levels the value of your ads can be increased.

You start off with level 0 and continue to move to Level 14.

While in Level 1 your daily earnings is $0.12 wherein Level 14 earns you $1594.20 every day.


How do I earn from Referrals?

By gaining Direct Referrals - You earn 175 BAP for every new Direct Referrals



What is the limit for Direct Referrals?

You can have unlimited Direct Referrals!


Why can’t I View Ads?

This happens only when you have an adblocker plugin installed in your browser. Disable any adblocker you have installed in your web browser and refresh the View Advertisements page and you'll be able to see the Ads again.


What is the Ad Reset time?

Ad resets @ 00:00 server time. The server time is shown in your account.


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